Canoe Racing

Canton Canoe Race 2024

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Canton Canoe Race 2024

My first exposure to canoe racing was as a young kid. Our family owned several camps on the Hudson River in Riparius, NY, which was the site of the oldest canoe race in the country. A huge event drawing 500-plus participants for a weekend of white water slalom and downriver races.

My first race was in 1979 in an old Sears aluminum battleship which weighed in excess of 80 pounds. My partner and I raced it one year on the Hudson, where we took a very long swim, and then that same spring in the General Clinton 70-miler on Memorial day. It took us so long they did not even record our time which I believe was around 14 hours. We did get a finisher's trophy and a patch though; I was hooked.

The next season there was a new ultra-light Kevlar racing hull for white water. Then a solo version, followed by a flatwater USCA cruiser. During the mid-eighties work and family consumed my time and racing canoes went by the wayside. I did manage to hit the Hudson River White Water Derby a few times though.

Fast forward to 2022, newly retired and for some reason decided I wanted to do the General Clinton 70-miler. Thought it would be a good way to ease into retired life. Purchased a top of the line C-1 marathon canoe and began training. The race went well, not really competitive, however the goal was to finish, mission accomplished.

My pit crew consisted of my wife Lisa, sister Sheryl, her friend Karen, and my youngest daughter Christina. Young is relative, at age 28 she was not around the last time I raced, too bad. She was thrilled with the race and said we should do it together. Enough said, I purchased a V-1 pro class tandem canoe and we began training, ultimately entering and finishing the race in 2024.

I would consider myself a middle-of-the-road competitive paddler. I enjoy paddling a canoe efficiently and fast, especially with other boats. Since 2022 I have entered numerous races, met many new friends as well as connecting with a few old ones and getting myself back into relatively good shape.

If you have a competitive spirit and want to improve your canoeing skills, I strongly suggest you try your hand at canoe racing. Not sure how or where to start, give me a call. I would be happy to chat with you.

Happy Paddling!!!


The major marathon races on the East Coast:


General Clinton Canoe Regatta

Ausable River Canoe Marathon

Classique de Canots


Great place to find results from most races going back 40+ years:

Paddle Stats


Races and paddling activities in your area:

NECKRA (New England Canoe/Kayak Racing Association

NYPSRA (New York Paddle Sports Racing Association)

MCRA (Michigan Canoe Racing Association)

USCA (United States Canoe Association)

MCRC of Canada (Marathon Canoe Racing Council)


Where to purchase Racing Canoes, Paddles, and Accessories:
Canoes Paddles Accessories
Wenonah Canoe Ripple FX paddles Southern Tier Canoe
GrbNewman Designs Zaverel Paddles Training Systems
Savage River Canoes    

Racing:    Story   |    Races   |    Results   |    Associations   |    Supplies

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Welcome Paddlers! Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or expert paddler, Hemlock Pete's Ultralight Canoes can help you chose the right equipment so you are ready to achieve your goals - be they for quiet water, rapids, racing, day trips, or camping.

We specialize in ultralight solutions and offer expertise in canoes and Wee Lassie boats, as well as all the related equipment. Our favorites are Wenonah canoes and Wee Lassie boats. Although we will work with any material we like to get folks set up with lightweight canoes so you can dedicate your time to the joy of being out on the lakes and rivers instead of struggling to move your boat between car and water.

Scott Edwards, "Hemlock Pete" himself, offers you decades of paddling expertise. He is friendly, down-to-earth, and provides superior customer service. You won't find a better, or more pleasant, deal elsewhere.

Hemlock Pete's Ultralight Canoes ~ 149 Richardson Road, Orange, VT 05641 ~ 603.667.5112

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